
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded in the Punjab region of India during the 15th century. Its followers, known as Sikhs, believe in a single, formless God who guides and protects them. The teachings of Sikhism emphasize the importance of leading an honest life, earning a living through ethical means, and practicing compassion and equality towards all people. At the heart of Sikhism is the belief in the concept of Ik Onkar, which represents the unity of God and the universality of His creation. This principle is embodied in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, which contains hymns, prayers, and teachings from the ten Sikh gurus and various other saints and scholars. Sikhs follow a set of practices known as the Five Ks: kesh (uncut hair), kanga (a wooden comb), kara (an iron bracelet), kirpan (a small ceremonial sword), and kachera (cotton underwear). These symbols serve as reminders of Sikh values, such as self-discipline, humility, and a commitment to justice. Sikhism has a strong emphasis on community service and social activism. Sikhs run langars, communal kitchens that provide free meals to anyone in need, regardless of their background or beliefs. They also believe in standing up for the rights of the oppressed and working towards creating a more just and equal society. Overall, Sikhism is a vibrant and dynamic religion that emphasizes the importance of living a moral and ethical life, serving others, and cultivating a deep connection with God. Its followers are known for their strong sense of community, compassion, and commitment to justice.

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Sikh – History
B.Chatar Singh Jiwan Singh – OLDEST SIKHISM BOOKS FIRM Guru granth sahib,sikh religious books,sikh books,sikhism books
Dharmic Religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, religions which originated in India
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