Elephants are large, intelligent mammals that are known for their long trunks and tusks. They belong to the family Elephantidae, which is part of the order Proboscidea, making them one of the only living proboscideans along with their smaller relatives, the Asian and African forest elephants. Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, with males typically reaching weights of up to 6,350 kg (14,000 lbs) and females weighing in at around 2,268 - 3,630 kg (5,000-8,000 lbs). They have a characteristic body shape, with thick, sturdy legs, large ears that help regulate their body temperature, and a long trunk or proboscis that they use for a variety of tasks such as breathing, smelling, touching, grasping and producing sound. Elephants also have two ivory tusks which are actually elongated incisors that can grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) long in some males. Elephants exhibit complex social behaviors, living in large family groups called herds, led by a dominant female known as the matriarch. They have strong familial bonds and are known to display emotions such as joy, playfulness, grief and empathy. Elephants are also highly intelligent animals, with large brains that enable them to solve problems, use tools, and learn from experience. In terms of their place in the animal kingdom, elephants occupy a unique position as one of the few living representatives of the order Proboscidea, which was once much more diverse and included other now-extinct proboscideans such as mammoths and mastodons. As such, they are an important part of the planet's biodiversity and play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by shaping their habitats through their feeding and movement patterns.
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External Links |
[Elephants.com] | The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee |
[AfricanElephants.com] | Page not found – Guide to African Elephants |
[tiny-elephants.com] | _ |
[su4e.org] | Non-profit | Stand Up 4 Elephants | Chitwan Nepal |
[erp.ngo] | Elephants, Rhinos People | ERP.NGO |
[ElephantConservation.org] | International Elephant Foundation – Saving Elephants and Habitats Worldwide |
[sheldrickwildlifetrust.org] | Sheldrick Wildlife Trust: Haven for Elephants Rhinos |
[eehv.org] | EEHV Advisory Group – Provides peer-reviewed, accurate information that reflects current thinking on the research and management of EEHV in both wild and captive elephants globally. |
[stae.org] | STAE - Save The Asian Elephants |
[scrappyelephant.com] | The Scrappy Elephant Creative Reuse in Central Virginia |
[trym.com] | Elephant.ai - TRYM |
[astc.com] | Elephant.ai - ASTC |
[levitatingelephant.com] | Creative Technology Company | Levitating Elephant |
[drunkelephant.com] | Drunk Elephant | Biocompatible Skincare |
[elephant-cee.com] | elephant-cee |
[asesg.org] | IUCN Asian Elephant Specialist Group |
[worldelephantday.org] | World Elephant Day |
[elephanthavens.org] | Elephant Havens Wildlife Foundation | Protect and Preserve |
[sexiaoniu10.com] | how to make elephant toothpaste - best toothpaste manufacturer |
[aquaticelephant.com] | Homepage | Aquatic Elephant Marketing |
[thegreatelephantmigration.org] | The Great Elephant Migration | A Coexistence Story |
[butterphant.de] | butterfly elephant: The Accelerator by GS1 Germany |
[groupelephant.com] | Group Elephant | Beyond Corporate Purpose |
[WildlifeResearch.org] | WILDLIFE RESEARCH CONSERVATION – Dr. Tina L. Chiarelli, Elephant Biologist/ FN'22 The Explorers Club |
[Elephant.com] | Car Insurance Company | Get Car Insurance Quotes More - Elephant Insurance |