
Definition of Paleontology as it relates to Science, Zoology, Evolutionary Developmental Biology

Paleontology is the study of life that existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch roughly 11,700 years ago. It encompasses the examination of plant and animal fossils, which includes the remains of organisms, their imprints, and traces of their activities. As a subdiscipline in Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Paleontology focuses on understanding how life forms have changed over time through evolutionary processes and how those changes are reflected in the morphological features of ancient species. Additionally, it provides insights into past environments and climates, thereby contributing to Zoology and other areas within Science. By studying fossils and their geological contexts, Paleontologists can reveal information about the Earth's history, its ancient ecosystems, and how life has adapted to changing conditions over millions of years.


External Links

University of California Museum of Paleontology
Paleontology and Geology of Missouri - St Louis Missouri - Fossils
Dinosaur News - news about dinosaurs, prehistoric and extinct animals, fossils and paleontology
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
MAPS (Mid-America Paleontology Society) Sponsor of the Annual National Fossil Exposition
cmpb : Centre de Minralogie et de Palontologie de Belgique - Center of Mineralogy and Paleontology of Belgium
Latest Archaeological Discoveries: Prehistory, Artifacts Landscapes
Elevation Science Institute
Welcome to the Natural History Museum of Utah | Natural History Museum of Utah
Pioneer Trails Regional Museum | Regional repository for regional and natural history in Southwest North Dakota
News | University of Florida
Home - HGMS - Houston Gem Mineral Society
Book: Fossil Echinoids of Texas
Webb Junior Scholars Summer Program
Dueling Dinosaurs
Home - Museums of Western Colorado
Nature Museum | Collections Archives
Welcome | Burke Museum
Call For Papers - The World's Largest Index/List of Call For Papers
World-class Museum in Bozeman - Museum of the Rockies
SEPM - Home
Huacachina Tours - Desert Adventure
Historic Camden County, N.J.
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The Journal of Paleontological Sciences
the HEDGE lab – Holocene ecology, diversity, and global extinctions // PI Alexis Mychajliw
Prairie Research Institute – The Prairie Research Institute provides research, scientific expertise, and objective data that benefit the environment, economy, and people of Illinois and beyond.
OC Parks | OC Parks
Animals in amber | unusual inclusions in burmite amber from Myanmar
Stanley Y. Klos
Reptile Evolution
Palaeo Vertebrata - Journal Home
Homepage | History Colorado
PaleoGeoGraphic – We are living in the midway between yesterday and tomorrow
Carbon Management – Prairie Research Institute
SWCA | Sound Science. Creative Solutions.
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AI - University of Florida
Faculty of Arts and Sciences | Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard Museums of Science Culture
Wyoming State Geological Survey
Collecting Fossils
Confused Scientific Flailing
Environment - Ecology - Nature - Habitat - Gaia
Online Archive of California
Crystalinks Home Page
AAPS Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences
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BSHNB | Bollet de la Societat d'Histria Natural de les Balears
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