
Definition of Cattle as it relates to Animals, Zoo Animals, Reptiles

Cattle are large domesticated herbivores known primarily for their use in meat, milk, and leather production. They belong to the family Bovidae and originated from wild species such as the aurochs. Cattle possess a distinctive ruminant digestive system that allows them to efficiently extract nutrients from plant-based feedstuffs. There are several distinct breeds of cattle, each with unique physical characteristics and adaptations to specific environments. Some popular breeds include Angus, Hereford, Holstein, and Brahman. Cattle can vary in size, coloration, and horn morphology, with some having naturally polled (hornless) phenotypes. Cattle are social animals that exhibit hierarchical behaviors within herds. They communicate through a variety of vocalizations, body postures, and scent marking. In managed systems, cattle can be trained to respond to various commands and perform tasks such as draft work or milking. Cattle have been integral to human societies for thousands of years, contributing significantly to agricultural economies and cultural practices. They are raised in diverse settings, from small-scale farms to large commercial operations, and are adapted to a range of climates and pasture conditions. Overall, cattle represent an essential category of animals with significant ecological, economic, and cultural importance for humans and the environment.


External Links
National Cattlemen's Foundation
- Matt Lautner Cattle - Order Cattle Semen For Shipment Today
British Blue Cattle Society
The Beef Magazine for Canadian Farmers - Canadian Cattlemen
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CattleDog Publishing
Ramos Land + Cattle
YellowStone Cattle |
Cattle Health Management | Brooks - Lethbridge - Taber
Home - American Cattlemen
Canadian Cattle Association
Home - Cattle U | June 25, 2024
Longley Whitebred Shorthorn Cattle Herd