
Definition of Cattle as it relates to Animals, Birds, Animal Types

Cattle, also known as bovines, are a type of large domesticated hoofed mammal primarily kept for beef production and dairy products. They belong to the family Bovidae, which includes other species such as buffalo, antelope, and sheep. Cattle have been an essential part of human agriculture for thousands of years and have played a significant role in shaping global food systems. Cattle are herbivores that primarily consume grasses and other plant materials. They possess a complex stomach structure that allows them to break down and digest their food efficiently. Cattle are ruminants, meaning they regurgitate their food and chew it again as cud before swallowing it for further digestion. Cattle come in various breeds, each with unique characteristics and purposes. Some breeds are better suited for meat production, while others are more efficient at milk production. Cattle also vary in size, color, and temperament. Cattle have a long history of use beyond just food production. They have been used for draft power, leather production, and religious and cultural ceremonies. Today, cattle continue to play a vital role in agriculture and the global economy.


External Links
National Cattlemen's Foundation
- Matt Lautner Cattle - Order Cattle Semen For Shipment Today
Cattlesoft Inc - Ranching in a World of Technology
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Longley Whitebred Shorthorn Cattle Herd
Home | Rock Creek Cattle Company
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CattleDog Publishing
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The Beef Magazine for Canadian Farmers - Canadian Cattlemen
Canadian Cattle Association
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Cattle Management Software | Cattle Record Keeping | CattleMax
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British Blue Cattle Society
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