Antarctic refers to the region surrounding the Earth's South Pole, encompassing the continent of Antarctica and the surrounding Southern Ocean. Known for its extreme cold temperatures, vast ice sheets, and unique wildlife, the Antarctic is a remote and inhospitable environment that is crucial for scientific research and exploration.
External Links |
[] | Australian Antarctic Program |
[] | |
[] | Antarctic Glaciers |
[] | Cool Antarctica, pictures of Antarctica, facts and travel guide |
[] | Sub-Antarctic Islands | An Educational Resource of the Sub Antarctic Islands. |
[] | Antarctica Cruises: Best Price and Service Guarantee! |
[] | REALESTATEANTARCTICA.COM| underconstruction |
[] | Arctic Antarctic Expedition Cruises | Quark Expeditions |
[] | Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions |
[] | Welcome to the Antarctic Ice Ultra - The Ultimate Polar Ultra |
[] | IAATO – The International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators |
[] | ASOC - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition |