Oil Painting

Definition of Oil Painting as it relates to Art, Baroque Art, Peter Paul Rubens

Romanticism, an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe towards the end of the 18th century, was characterized by heightened emotions, individualism, and a strong connection to nature. It represented a departure from the strict rules and conventions of Neoclassicism that preceded it. In the realm of visual arts, Romantic painters often explored themes such as the sublime, the imagination, and the power of emotion, rejecting the rationality and order of Baroque art in favor of a more spontaneous and expressive style. Works of Romanticism frequently depicted dramatic landscapes, heroic figures, and supernatural elements, with an emphasis on capturing the mood and atmosphere of a scene rather than focusing on precise detail. The movement had a profound impact on literature, music, and philosophy as well, inspiring generations of artists and thinkers to embrace their emotions and explore their inner worlds.


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