Rabbinic Judaism
Rabbinic Judaism, also known as Rabbinic tradition, is a form of Judaism that places emphasis on the teachings and interpretations of the Oral Torah by the rabbis, as recorded in the Talmud and other works of rabbinic literature. It emerged following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, as a way for Jewish communities to maintain their religious identity and practices without a centralized temple-based system. Rabbinic Judaism is characterized by its focus on study and interpretation of Jewish law and tradition, as well as its emphasis on communal prayer and observance of the Sabbath and holidays. It also places great importance on ethical behavior and personal piety. Rabbinic Judaism has been the dominant form of Judaism for the past two millennia, and it continues to shape Jewish life and practice today. In terms of hierarchy, Rabbinic Judaism falls under the broader category of Judaism, which is itself a subcategory of Types of Religions, which is further classified under Deism, within the larger category of Religions. This structure reflects the historical development of Jewish thought and practice, as well as its continued relevance to contemporary religious discourse.
External Links |
[wlcj.org] | Women's League for Conservative Judaism, Jewish Womens GroupWomen’s League for Conservative Judaism |
[atrarabbis.org] | Atra - Center for rabbinic innovation |
[eupj.org] | EUPJ Website | Working together to foster and stimulate the growth of Progressive Judaism throughout Europe |
[rabbinictraining.org] | The Rabbinic Training Academy |
[reconstructingjudaism.org] | Reconstructing Judaism - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant. |
[crcweb.org] | Home - Chicago Rabbinical Council |
[targum.info] | IOTS | The International Organization for Targumic Studies |
[Tanakh.org] | Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia |
[assembly.community] | Home - Assembly |
[elissakaplansenter.com] | About | Interfaith Chaplain, Officiant, Counselor | California |
[sefaria.org] | Sefaria: a Living Library of Jewish Texts Online |
[ancientjewreview.com] | ANCIENT JEW REVIEW |
[basemovement.org] | Base |
[yihy.org] | Home | YIHY | Orthodox Jewish Life at Yale | New Haven |
[c4ic.org] | The Center for Interfaith Collaboration, or "C4IC" in Pittsburgh, PA |
[cultorchristian.com] | |
[egrc.net] | Welcome to En-Gedi... - En-Gedi Resource Center |
[hadar.org] | Home | Hadar Institute |
[yiwh.org] | Young Israel of West Hempstead |
[jtsa.edu] | Jewish Theological Seminary - Inspiring the Jewish World |
[tikun.co.uk] | Home - Tikun |
[kodeshpress.com] | Kodesh Press, The Best Place to Buy Books of Jewish Interest Thought |
[afii.org] | Artists For Israel International Messianic Bible Society |
[yhvh.org] | Hebrew Codec 1 |
[Haggadot.com] | Make Your Own Passover Haggadah |
[rabbidaniellapin.com] | Home | Rabbi Daniel Lapin |
[nybr485151439.wpcomstaging.com] | The New York Board of Rabbis – Where Diversity and Unity Meet |
[ScriptureAnalysis.com] | Scripture Analysis – and textual criticism resources |
[thereportergroup.org] | Home Page | The Reporter Group |
[keywordfinder-1000.blogspot.com] | Keyword Finder 1000 |
[betterworldcharity.org] | Better World Charity – Reg. no. 1117028 |
[hmsi.info] | HMSI – Welcome to the Institute |
[greenprophet.com] | Green Prophet - Sustainability news for the Middle East |
[rabbidov.com] | Home - RabbiDov.com RabbiDov.com |
[cboi.org] | Congregation Brothers of Israel |
[mtsinaishul.com] | Mount Sinai Jewish Center |
[hartman.org.il] | Main Page - Shalom Hartman Institute |
[yiml.org] | Young Israel of the Main Line |
[jvrp.net] | Biblical Archaeology | Jezreel Valley Regional Project |
[link2truth.com] | Link To Truth – Truth Matters |
[Yaffed.org] | Home - Yaffed |
[g0ys.org] | G0YS.org - Men who love masculinity but are not GLITQetc Affiliated! |
[jconnect.org] | Jconnect - Everything Jewish in Greater Washington |
[harpercollinschristian.com] | Homepage - HarperCollins Christian Publishing |
[ajr.edu] | Academy for Jewish Religion Pluralism. Scholarship. Community. |
[futureua.com] | FUTURE!UA - |
[ancienthebrewgrammar.wordpress.com] | Ancient Hebrew Grammar | our continuing linguistic work on ancient Hebrew |
[ingeveb.org] | In geveb |