Wildlife Animals Habitat Carnivores
Wildlife Animals Habitat Carnivores refers to a group of animals that are primarily meat-eaters and inhabit various habitats in the wild. These carnivores rely on hunting and consuming other animals for their survival. They exhibit a range of behaviors and adaptations that allow them to efficiently catch and consume prey. Examples of wildlife animals habitat carnivores include lions, tigers, wolves, and bears. These animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling prey populations.
External Links |
[ewasolions.org] | Ewaso Lions – Ewaso Lions is an independent, 100% African wildlife conservation organisation whose mission is to conserve Kenyas lions and other large carnivores by promoting co-existence between people and wildlife. |
[wildlifejewels.org] | Wildlife Jewels | Protecting our Wildlife Jewels |
[scwaterfowlassociation.wordpress.com] | South Carolina Waterfowl Association – …exists to enhance and perpetuate South Carolina's wildlife heritage through education and waterfowl habitat conservation. |
[WildlifeConservationNetwork.com] | Wildlife Conservation Network - Be a Wildlife Hero |
[nwco.net] | Training Information for Wildlife Control Operators | Research based wildlife control information |
[owcnblog.wordpress.com] | Oiled Wildlife Care Network | Providing the best achievable capture and care of oil-affected wildlife |
[WildlifeHealth.org] | WILDLIFE HEALTH.org - Connecting the wildlife health community |
[wildlifeedu.com] | Wildlife EDU | Helping Those Who Help Wildlife |
[wildlifewatch.org.uk] | Wildlife Watch | Wildlife Watch |
[WildlifeBiology.com] | Wildlife Biology | A journal for Wildlife Research, Management and Conservation |
[journalofwildlifephotography.com] | JoWP: Journal of Wildlife Photography - Journal of Wildlife Photography |
[whep.org] | National Wildlife Habitat Education Program |
[twrf.net] | Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation - Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation |
[prwildlife.org] | Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitation Education - Peace River Wildlife Center |
[hw2.org] | Hound and Wildlife Habitat and Welfare Fund |
[fwoa.org] | Federal Wildlife Officers Association | federal wildlife law enforcement |
[y2y.net] | Establishing Wildlife Corridors Habitat Protections in US CA | Y2Y |
[ifwf.org] | Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
[AnimalTrapping.com] | Loves Wildlife Removal and Pest Control | Raccoon and Wildlife Removal |
[emwh.org] | Enhancing Montana's Wildlife Habitat |
[nbgi.org] | National Bobwhite Grassland Initiative – NBCI mission: A partnership to restore and maintain wild bobwhite quail, associated species, and their native habitats through science-based research and management to support healthy wildlife, soil, air, and water for the benefit of society. |
[athletesforanimals.org] | Athletes for Animals Home - Athletes for Animals |
[quwf.net] | Quail Upland Wildlife Federation - Protecting Our Wildlife And Clean Streams |
[mfoa.net] | Maine Friends of Animals | Silence is the voice of complicity speak up foranimals |
[cdc-habitat.fr] | CDC Habitat : trouver un logement adapt chaque situation - CDC Habitat |
[habitatmag.com] | Habitat Magazine | Serving Residential Condominium Associations, Co-op Boards, Property Managers | New York City | Habitat Magazine, New York's Co-op and Condo Community |
[fwhc.net] | Home | The Foundation for Wildlife and Habitat Conservation |
[parks.tas.gov.au] | Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service | Parks Wildlife Service Tasmania |
[wfa.org] | World Federation for Animals – Achieving global impact for animals – together |
[wwf.org.au] | WWF Australia | Protecting Wildlife and their Habitat | | WWF Australia |
[NatureWriting.com] | Nature Writing is Now Part of National Wildlife Council - National Wildlife Council |
[qtwm.net] | Hunting Properties | Timber Wildlife | Quality Timber Wildlife Mgmt |
[armtheanimals.com] | Arm The Animals Clothing Arm The Animals Clothing LLC |
[rdwt.org] | Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust - The Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust |
[inwc.org] | Inland Northwest Wildlife Council – The mission of the INWC is to act in accordance with what is best for all fish and wildlife species while emphasizing and maintaining responsible sportsmanship. |
[ForestWildlife.org] | Forest Wildlife | Countryside Wildlife Conservation |
[dromeamenagementhabitat.fr] | Drme Amnagement Habitat - Drme Amnagement Habitat |
[habitatgreatersac.org] | HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER SACRAMENTO | Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento |
[Animals.net] | Complete List of Animals - Animals Network |
[ArcticAnimals.org] | Arctic Animals.org – We love arctic animals |
[AnimalsDiet.com] | Animals Diet • Definitive Guide To Animals and Birds' Diet |
[pawu.org] | PAWU | Protect Animals with us | Der Verein Protect Animals with us PAWU e.V. wurde gegrndet, um gemeinntzige Arbeit im Tierschutz zu leisten, zu untersttzen und aufzuklren. |
[pawtyanimals.ca] | PawtyAnimals.ca - Eco-Friendly Canadian Parody Plush Dog Toys pawtyanimals.ca |
[Wildlife.org] | THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY - HOME |
[myfwc.com] | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | FWC |
[h3pk.com] | 168|168|! - AZ Animals |
[a-z-animals.com] | Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! - A-Z Animals |
[usaidwildlifeasia.org] | USAID Wildlife Asia |
[thelastanimals.org] | The Last Animals Foundation |
[habitat.ca] | Home | Habitat for Humanity Canada |
[wildlife.utah.gov] | Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
[WildlifeTrusts.org] | Home | The Wildlife Trusts |
[wlf.louisiana.gov] | Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries |
[weanimals.org] | We Animals | Animal Photojournalism |
[hfhi.org] | Habitat for Humanity |
[ua4a.org] | United Action for Animals Dublin - Dogs, Pets, Nutrition |
[bonorong.com.au] | Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary |
[habitat.sh] | Chef Habitat Developer Community | Chef Community |
[theanimalrescuesite.com] | The Animal Rescue Site Store - Shop To Feed Rescue Animals |
[reefandrainforest.co.uk] | Reef and Rainforest Tours - Tailor-Made Wildlife Holidays Small Group Tours |
[tchabitat.org] | Home | Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity |
[fishwildlife.org] | Home :: Association of Fish Wildlife Agencies |
[nwctp.com] | NWCTP | Wildlife Control Training |
[grha.org] | Wetlands Waterfowl Conservation in the Confluence Flood Plain Great Rivers Habitat Alliance |
[tnwildlife.org] | Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - TN.gov |
[ltwc.net] | Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care, Inc. |
[sheldrickwildlifetrust.org] | Sheldrick Wildlife Trust: Haven for Elephants Rhinos |
[WildlifeArt.org] | National Museum of Wildlife Art | Art Collection, Jackson Hole, Wy |
[Defenders.org] | Defenders of Wildlife |
[mhhc.mb.ca] | Home - The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation |
[rewi.org] | Home - Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute |
[birdfood.co.uk] | Proud leaders of the British bird food market | CJ Wildlife |
[bcwfwatershedteam.ca] | BCWF Watershed Team - The B.C. Wildlife Federations Watershed Team works to protect, restore, and promote British Columbias watersheds |
[myowf.org] | Oregon Wildlife Foundation |
[pixcams.com] | PixCams Live Streaming Wildlife Cameras |
[wormsandgermsblog.com] | Worms Germs Blog | Resources for Animals, Humans Infectious Disease | University of Guelph |
[peta.net] | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) |
[cvwo.org] | VW-Co - Wildlife Blog |
[nhbs.com] | NHBS - Wildlife, Ecology Conservation |
[kws.go.ke] | Home | Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) |
[scwf.org] | South Carolina Wildlife Federation |
[bshf.org] | World Habitat - Promoting Innovative Housing Policy and Practice |
[pawr.com] | Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators |
[wii.gov.in] | Wildlife Institute of India, an Autonomous Institute of MoEF, Govt. of India |
[eaglerockkiwanis.org] | 10-10 Wildlife Federation |
[aark.org] | Aark Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center |
[animalcharityevaluators.org] | Animal Charity Evaluators | Helping People Help Animals |
[wondersofwildlife.org] | Johnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife | National Museum Aquarium |
[habitatpasco.org] | Home : Habitat for Humanity of East Central Pasco County |
[lewa.org] | Lewa Wildlife Conservancy |
[swwg.org] | Sandbach Woodland Wildlife Group news blog |
[detroitzooblog.org] | Detroit Zoological Society Blog | Celebrating and Saving Wildlife and Wild Places |
[WildlifeSafari.com] | Wildlife Expeditions: Explore Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks - Teton Science Schools |