War Journals and Diaries
War Journals and Diaries are personal accounts written by individuals who have experienced and documented their first-hand perspectives and emotions during times of war. These narratives provide invaluable insight into the daily struggles, triumphs, and losses faced by soldiers, civilians, and other individuals impacted by war. They offer a unique glimpse into the human experience during times of conflict, shedding light on the realities of warfare and its profound effects on individuals and societies.
External Links |
[War.com] | WAR |
[0k5.com] | 0k5.com – an historic account of events that shaped America – Our mission is to shine the light of truth on the darkness of fear, deception and coercion that plagues our society. By offering information, resources and conscious solutions wherever possible, we hope to raise awareness, to correct distorted perceptions, to provoke critical thinking, to awaken people from their slumber and to stimulate the innate desire of humanity for truth and freedom. The aim is to leave no stone unturned in the objective to reveal the complete truth of what is happening on Earth and beyond. We firmly believe that is only by confronting the darkness head on, and shaking off apathy and denial, that we can transform and transcend it. Ultimately, our purpose is to remind humankind of the greatest truth of all: That every person is a divine and infinite being with the power to choose and experience whatever reality they wish to create. |
[icpj.org] | Interfaith Council for Peace Justice – ICPJ centers racial and economic justice as we address the root causes of violence from oppression, poverty, environmental devastation, patriarchy, and war. We wage love and practice nonviolence in all its forms through education, community organizing, advocacy, and direct action. We unite across our differences and empower leadership in people to create the change we need for a more peaceful and just world.. |
[tandemcity.info] | Tandemcity: Tandem language exchanges and peace - Intercambios de idioma tndem y paz - Tandem-Sprachaustausch und Frieden - Language tandem manual - Manual Tndem de idiomas - Tandem-Handbuch |
[WarDiaries.org] | The War Diaries – The Iraq war diaries of Lt. Tim McLaughlin |
[MiniatureWargaming.com] | Miniature Wargaming + Gaming Blog – Free Wargames Rules And Other Wonderful Things For Miniatures, Board and Role Playing Gamers |
[noqreport.com] | NOQ Report – News, Opinions, and Questions for Conservatives and Christians – Conservative and Christian news curated and aggregated |
[shulou.com] | SL news:The latest IT news,software OS and hardware Product reviews, advice,and how-tos shulou.com |
[pacificwrecks.com] | Pacific Wrecks - World War II Pacific War and Korean War |
[ecswp.org] | European Center for the Study of War and Peace - European Center for the Study of War and Peace |
[truthjusticecommission.com] | Truth and Justice Commission - Investigate Confederate Democrats Churches Unions Politicians Hollywood Universities Sports Teams for Ethnic Oppression and Exclusion - TRUTH AND JUSTICE COMMISSION - Investigate Confederate Democrat Churches, Unions, Politicians, Universities, Sports Teams for Ethnic Oppression and Exclusion |
[app.tongbu.com] | Panda Helper - Download Tweaks and Hacks ( iOS and Android ) |
[shaf.org] | Save Historic Antietam Foundation | SHAF has been preserving and protecting historic sites related to the Battle of Antietam, the Maryland Campaign, and other Civil War activity in the region since 1986. We need your help to keep it going. |
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[caixinglobal.com] | Caixin Global - Latest Business and Financial News on China, U.S. Trade War and Negotiations, Breaking News, Headlines and Developments |
[iraqwarheroes.org] | Iraq War Heroes - Afghanistan War Heroes - IraqWarHeroes.org -OurWarHeroes.org |
[londonagainstpoliceviolence.wordpress.com] | The London Campaign Against Police and State Violence | London Campaign Against Police and State Violence is a group of voluntary campaigners working to make the Metropolitan Police accountable to local communities for abuses of power; and bring an end to its culture of brutality and racial profiling including the racist use of Stop Search. |
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[djcoregon.com] | Daily Journal of Commerce and Building and Construction News in Portland, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest - Daily Journal of Commerce |
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[acolytesofwar.com] | Time Now: The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in Art, Film, and Literature |
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[revolutionary-war.net] | The American Revolutionary War | Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War |
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[aei.org] | American Enterprise Institute - AEI | The American Enterprise Institute, AEI, is a nonpartisan public policy research institute with a community of scholars and supporters committed to expanding liberty, increasing individual opportunity and strengthening free enterprise. |
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[fulltime.hitchitch.com] | HitchItch RV Travel Adventures and Journals and RV Travel Resources |
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[Polygon.com] | Polygon: Gaming and Entertainment News, Culture, Reviews, and More |
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[PunicWars.org] | Punic Wars | History of the Punic Wars |
[gary-oldsargeswargameandmodelblog.blogspot.com] | oldSarges Wargame and Model blog |
[worldbeyondwar.org] | World BEYOND War - World BEYOND War |
[WarPoetry.org] | The Dean Echenberg War Poetry Collection – and blog |
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[kjhh.net] | Australian Nurses at War - Australian Nurses at War |
[q4tk.com] | Q4TK - A quest for truth and knowledgeQ4TK | A quest for truth and knowledge |
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