Monotheistic Godhead

A Monotheistic Godhead refers to the concept of a single, supreme deity in monotheistic religions. This entity is believed to be the creator and ruler of the universe, possessing ultimate power and authority. The Monotheistic Godhead is often described as being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, embodying qualities such as love, justice, and mercy. Followers of monotheistic faiths worship and revere this singular divine being, seeking guidance, protection, and salvation through prayers, rituals, and moral conduct.

External Links

Back To Godhead – Godhead is light, Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no Nescience
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Ha'Am: UCLA's Jewish Newsmagazine – UCLA's Jewish Newsmagazine
Okinawa Christian School International – Equipping students to walk with Jesus and impact the world for Him
Nazism: History, Ideology, and Legacy – An Educational Resource
Science and Religion Books by Govardhan Hill Publishing
Music of Spain - A Musical Journey through Andalucia
Ontario Zoroastrian Community Foundation - Home
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Confraternity of Penitents' Blog
All the official press releases of the International Raelian Movement - Raelian Press Site
Queens Christian Alliance Church – Devotionals
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Truth Media Link | Truth Media Resource Website
GraceWay Bible Church - We are disciples making disciples.
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Da'awatul Islamia – Da'awatul Islamia of Somerset
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The Lord's Prayer to Our Father or Avinu in Hebrew | Almighty God - The Fathers Name is Revealed by King David and the Prophet Isaiah and King of Kings Jesus/Yeshua
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Baisakhi - Baisakhi Festival 2024,
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Foundation Church of the New Birth
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