Orchestra Performances
Orchestra Performances stand as the pinnacle of musical sophistication and artistry, representing the world of live entertainment at its most refined and exquisite. This term pertains specifically to the concerts where a large ensemble of musicians, known as an orchestra, perform. Residing in the realm of live entertainment, these performances are a crucial component of the broader entertainment industry, offering audiences a unique and immersive experience of music. Falling under the umbrella of concerts, they showcase a group of musicians playing instruments together, and are often characterized by their vast scale, diverse repertoire, and the expertise of the musicians involved. These performances can range from classical symphonies to film scores, with each concert offering a unique interpretation and delivery of music. They serve as a testament to the power of collective performance in the world of concerts and live entertainment.
Child Hierarchical Categories
[Baroque Orchestra]
[Chamber Orchestra]
[Classical Orchestra]
[Contemporary Orchestra]
[Experimental Orchestra Performances]
[Film Score Performances]
[Jazz Orchestra Performances]
[Modern Symphony Performances]
[Opera Performances]
[Percussion Ensemble Performances]
[String Quartet Performances]
[Symphony Performances]
[Wind Ensemble Performances]
[World Music Orchestra Performances]
[Youth Orchestra Performances]
External Links |
[scfo.org] | The Space Coast Flute Orchestra | Free concerts Flute Performance Orchestra Musical Group | Central Florida, FL, USA |
[fmco.org] | Flower Mound Community Orchestra | Symphony Orchestra - PhilharmonicOrchestra |
[orchestrateacher.net] | OrchestraTeacher.net – Resources and ideas for the 21st century string/orchestra classroom by Charles Laux |
[aso.org] | Atlanta Symphony Orchestra | Atlanta Symphony Orchestra |
[lassiterorchestra.org] | Lassiter High School Orchestra | Home of the The Lassiter High School Orchestra, Marietta, GA. |
[abno.com] | Associazione Blue Note Orchestra – Associazione B N O – Orchestra Jazz della Sardegna |
[qso.com.au] | Queensland Symphony Orchestra | Qld & Brisbane Concerts - Queensland Symphony Orchestra |
[spyo.org] | St. Patrick's Youth Orchestra | SPYO is a youth orchestra for students in grades 7 through 12. It is entirely student run. |
[kalamazoosymphony.org] | Discover the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra | Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra |
[sfco.org] | Santa Fe Community Orchestra – Santa Fe Community Orchestra |
[biyo.us] | Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra - Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra |
[ypsilantisymphony.org] | Ypsilanti Symphony Orchestra | Community Symphony Orchestra based in Ypsilanti, Michigan |
[myo.org] | The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of NY (MYO) - Choirs and Orchestras |
[wcyo.org] | Westside Community Youth Orchestra- A non-profit community orchestra |
[wolvertonlightorchestra.weebly.com] | Wolverton Light Orchestra - Milton Keynes - Wolverton Light Orchestra - Milton Keynes |
[dhpo.org] | de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra – Resident Orchestra at Weston Auditorium, University of Hertfordshire |
[bcyo.org] | Orchestra, Music - Baldwin County Youth Orchestra - Fairhope, Alabama |
[bhao.org] | Brighton Hove Arts Orchestra – Community orchestra |
[gvyo.net] | Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra - Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra |
[csyo.org.uk] | Orchestra | City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra | England |
[rso.com] | Welcome to the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra! - Roanoke Symphony Orchestra |
[electricsqueezeboxorchestra.com] | The Electric Squeezebox Orchestra |
[tickets.pgso.com] | TICKETS | PGSO Tickets | Prince George Symphony Orchestra |
[thso.org] | Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra |
[ivso.org] | Illinois Valley Symphony Orchestra |
[gbs.org] | Greater Bridgeport Symphony Orchestra: | Greater Bridgeport Symphony |
[lswo.com] | Lone Star Wind Orchestra |
[mlso.org] | Main Line Symphony Orchestra |
[brevardsymphony.com] | Home - Brevard Symphony Orchestra |
[sydneysymphony.com] | Home Page | Sydney Symphony Orchestra |
[royalsocietyjazzorchestra.com] | Royal Society Jazz Orchestra, Don Neely | San Francisco |
[pvyo.org] | Maryland | Youth Orchestras | Music Center at Strathmore |
[pvco.org] | Philadelphia Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra |
[simivalleyorchestras.com] | Home - Simi Valley Orchestras |
[wvyo.org] | West Valley Youth Orchestra |
[brso.org] | Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra |
[andreaclearfield.com] | Andrea Clearfield – Composer | Official site of composer Andrea Clearfield. Biography, list of works with audio, score samples, reviews and program notes, photographs, upcoming performances. |
[rpo.co.uk] | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) |
[khco.org] | Keat Hong Chinese Orchestra |
[dso.org] | Detroit Symphony Orchestra |
[americanorchestras.org] | Homepage - americanorchestras.org |
[laco.org] | Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra |
[yrso.org] | York River Symphony Orchestra |
[acyo.org] | Alachua County Youth Orchestra – Music is what feelings sound like. |
[twinportswindorchestra.org] | Twin Ports Wind Orchestra |
[hso.org] | Huntsville Symphony Orchestra | Alabama |
[asjo.net] | Amakusa'n Sea Jazz Orchestra | |
[qsoa.org] | Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association of Quincy, Illinois |
[lacrossejazzorchestra.com] | Western Wisconsin's Premier Big Band - La Crosse Jazz Orchestra |
[lyo.org] | Louisville Youth Orchestra |
[ebyo.org] | EBYO East Bay Youth Orchestra |
[fbso.org] | Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra and Chorus |
[thetequilamockingbirdorchestra.bandcamp.com] | Music | The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra |
[floridalakessymphonyorchestra.com] | Florida LakesSymphony Orchestra - Home |
[Orchestra.com] | Orchestra : vtements enfants et bbs 0-14 ans, chaussures, future maman et puriculture |
[laux.org] | Dr. Charles Laux – music educator, violinist, orchestra conductor, clinician, and adjudicator |
[emo-orchestra.com] | EMO ORCHESTRA |
[rpo.org] | ~Home - Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra |
[pphk.org] | Premiere Performances: Chamber Music Concerts Recitals |
[psso.org] | Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra |
[svyo.net] | Home - Simi Valley Youth Orchestra |
[vyso.com] | Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra | VYSO |
[yosa.org] | YOSA (Youth Orchestras of San Antonio) |
[dsso.com] | Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra |
[georgiasymphony.org] | Georgia Symphony Orchestra | Timothy Verville, Music Director |
[alumnispotlight.gdyo.org] | GDYO Alumni Spotlight - Founded in 1972, The Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra has had over 10,000 students come through our program. Follow us as we pick a new alumni to highlight each month, and read about what they've been up to since gdyo! |
[fwyo.org] | Fort Worth Youth Orchestra |
[pgso.com] | Prince George Symphony Orchestra | Home |
[gvoc.org] | Genesee Valley Orchestra and Chorus | Rochester, NY |
[wvsu.org] | West Valley Symphony of Utah | The premier community symphonic orchestra in the Salt Lake Valley. |
[mmyo.org] | Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra |
[cpyo.net] | College Park Youth Orchestra |
[mvso.org] | Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra |
[myso.org] | Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra | MYSO |
[r3o.org] | Roma Tre Orchestra |
[scconovember2024.brownpapertickets.com] | Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra Fall 2024 Concert - The Best of Dvorak |
[rpyo.org] | RPYO - Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra |
[tmg.org.uk] | Trianon Music Group Orchestra and Choir |
[mpyo.org] | Michigan Philharmonic Youth Orchestra – EnsemblesEducationExcellence |
[nyoc.org] | NYO Canada - Canada's pre-eminent training Orchestra for musicians ages 16 to 28. |
[dyao.org] | Denver Young Artists Orchestra |
[kfwo.net] | | Flyingcarp Wind Orchestra | KFWO |
[pyso.us] | Home - Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra |
[gyso.org] | Home | Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestras |
[fbjo.com] | Firebird Jazz Orchestra | |
[a2so.com] | Home Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra |
[msyo.org] | Mat-Su Youth Orchestra |
[bmop.org] | BMOP | Boston Modern Orchestra Project |
[qcso.net] | Quad City Symphony Orchestra | QCSO |
[etyo.org] | East Texas Youth Orchestra |
[gdyo.org] | Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra |
[kjso.org] | Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Orchestra |