Klinefelter Syndrome
Klinefelter Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the presence of one or more extra X chromosomes in males, resulting in a XXY karyotype. It is caused by an error in cell division during the development of the egg, sperm, or embryo. This condition affects approximately 1 in 500-1000 newborn males and can result in a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. In terms of its place in the hierarchy, Klinefelter Syndrome falls under the broader category of Chromosomal Aberrations, which is itself a subcategory of Recombination, Genetics, and Science. As a genetic disorder, it is closely related to the study of genetics and the processes of recombination that occur during cell division. The presence of extra chromosomes also connects it to the broader field of chromosomal aberrations, which encompasses a wide range of disorders caused by errors in chromosome number or structure. Klinefelter Syndrome is characterized by a variety of physical symptoms, including tall stature, long legs, small testicles, and gynecomastia (enlarged breasts). Cognitive and emotional symptoms can also occur, such as learning disabilities, language disorders, and social anxiety. The severity of these symptoms can vary widely from person to person, and some individuals with Klinefelter Syndrome may not experience any significant problems. Treatment for Klinefelter Syndrome typically focuses on managing the physical and cognitive symptoms of the disorder. Hormone therapy can be used to promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair and a deeper voice. Speech and language therapy can help individuals with language disorders or speech impairments. Special education services may also be necessary for individuals with learning disabilities. Overall, Klinefelter Syndrome is a complex genetic disorder that falls under the broader category of chromosomal aberrations. Its study and treatment are closely tied to the fields of genetics and recombination, as well as the larger discipline of science. By understanding the underlying causes and symptoms of this condition, healthcare providers can develop effective strategies for managing its effects on individuals and their families.
External Links |
[rsrt.org] | The Rett Syndrome Research Trust (RSRT) is the patient advocacy organization working to cure Rett syndrome. |
[msl3.org] | MSL3 Syndrome Foundation - Support for the MSL3 Syndrome Community |
[dsrf.org] | Home - Down Syndrome Resource Foundation |
[udsf.org] | Home : Utah Down Syndrome Foundation |
[moebiussyndrome.com] | Welcome - Moebius Syndrome Foundation |
[turnersyndromefoundation.org] | Home - Turner Syndrome Foundation |
[afsr.fr] | Association Franaise du syndrome de Rett – Une association dans l'action ! |
[somethingextra.org] | Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee | SomethingExtra.org |
[dsagsl.org] | HOME - Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis |
[wagr.org] | International WAGR Syndrome Association |
[eaglesyndrome.com] | Eagle Syndrome Treatment | Styloidectomy Surgery for Symptoms |
[curemds.org] | Cure MECP2 Duplication Syndrome |
[gp2c.org] | Rett Syndrome Resources and Support for Families | Girl Power 2 Cure |
[rsrf.org] | Rett syndrome Research Forum – Just another WordPress site |
[aqst.com] | Association qubcoise du syndrome de la Tourette - AQST |
[2fgr.org] | 2FGR Presents the DSACO Run for Down Syndrome | Join us On Thursday, May 23rd, 2024! |
[es5k.com] | Home | Emanuel Syndrome 5k |
[barthfrance.com] | Prsentation de l'association | Association Syndrome de Barth France |
[turnersyndrome.org] | The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States |
[fetalhealthfoundation.org] | Fetal Health Foundation: Hope for Families Experiencing Fetal Syndromes |
[vinegarsyndrome.com] | Vinegar Syndrome - Cult Film Preservation Releasing |
[rettuniversity.org] | Rett University - E-Learning Platform for Rett Syndrome |
[ujns.net] | Uganda-Japan Nodding Syndrome Network |
[ukpt.org] | Home - UKPT - United Kingdom Paruresis Trust - Shy Bladder Syndrome Support |
[dsaco.net] | Home - Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio |
[hypersomniafoundation.org] | What are hypersomnia sleep disorders, such as idiopathic hypersomnia, narcolepsy types 1 and 2, and Kleine-Levin syndrome? - Hypersomnia Foundation |
[cleverfood.com] | Excess catecholamine syndrome: prevention and therapy |
[fragilex.org] | The National Fragile X Foundation | Fragile X Syndrome |
[mrkh.com] | MRKH Syndrome | World Renowned Neovagina Surgeons | Diagnosis | Surgery |
[simplyisla.wordpress.com] | Simply Isla – 2q23.1 Microdeletion Syndrome (MAND), Autism and Epilepsy |
[nids.net] | NIDS | Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndrome |
[mrkh.org] | MRKH Organization – For women with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome – Also known as Mullerian Agenesis, Vaginal Agenesis, Congenital Absence of Vagina |
[shop.girlpower2cure.org] | Growing hope for girls and boys with Rett Syndrome GP2C Shop |
[advancedreconstruction.com] | The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction | Plastic Reconstructive Surgery |
[shiftingperspectives.org] | Shifting Perspectives |
[drjb.net] | DrJb - Accueil |
[pcvd.net] | Home | Control of Porcine Circovirus Diseases |
[pcos.healthconferences.org] | |
[spph.net] | Solidarit de parents de personnes handicapes | SPPH |
[genetests.org] | GeneReviews - NCBI Bookshelf |
[wegovy.com] | Weight-Loss Prescription Medication | Wegovy (semaglutide) Injection 2.4 mg |
[dsnetworkaz.org] | DSNetwork AZ |
[children-special-needs.org] | Vision for Special Needs - Optometrists.org |
[mdsc.org] | Home - MDSC |
[myvitalhealthsolutions.com.au] | Naturopathic Clinic Melbourne | Vital Health and Natural Medicine. |
[ot4b.com] | Home - OT4B |
[tsrx.us] | Home |
[pbslices.com] | pbslices – Guide For Pet Lovers |
[ifdw.org] | IFDW Institute for Digestive Wellbeing |
[Facts.net] | Turn Your Curiosity Into Discovery - Facts.net |
[josb.net] | OSB Journal | Home |
[Adrenal.com] | Thyroid Cancer and Thyroid Surgery Resource |
[direct.rthm.com] | RTHM Direct |
[Parotid.net] | Parotid Gland Tumor Treatment Salivary Stone Surgeons, Los Angeles |
[insideradiology.com.au] | InsideRadiology - Information on Radiology, Medical Imaging Tests Procedures |
[protocols.pcc.com] | PCC Protocols | A library of protocols developed by PCC EHR clients |
[membershipgoldrush.com] | Alpha Gal Answers - |
[fkbk.net] | For Kids By Kids apparel for all |
[treatmentabroad.com] | Treatment Abroad | Health and Medical Tourism |
[gaite-lyrique.net] | La Gat Lyrique |
[reverserett.org.uk] | Reverse Rett |
[mdpi.net] | MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals |
[TheoreticalPhilosophy.com] | THEORETICAL PHILOSOPHY – The Neurodevelopmental Spectrum @RevRDracoAuthor |
[yournextstar.com] | The Philip Donahue Your Next Star Employment Center |
[Gib.com] | Gulf International Bank |
[belatina.com] | News | BELatina |
[rybelsus.com] | Type 2 Diabetes Medicine | RYBELSUS (semaglutide) tablets |
[Sticklers.org] | Stickler Involved People |
[ozempic.com] | Ozempic (semaglutide) injection for Type 2 Diabetes |
[5pra.org] | 5p- Research Alliance |
[Injection.com] | Injections: Medical Marvels for Health and Healing |
[oxaloacetatecfs.com] | Oxaloacetate CFS |
[pwcf.org] | Home - Prader-Willi California Foundation |
[spinenerve.com] | Spine and Nerve Diagnostic Center |
[buddyuptennis.com] | Home - Buddy Up for Life |
[fdna.health] | Child Development - Helping Undiagnosed Patients - FDNA Health |
[helenjournal.org] | Helen: The Journal of Human Exceptionality |
[potential.health] | Dr. Asa Health Club Community I Live Stronger Longer |
[plaquepsoriasis.com] | Plaque Psoriasis Health Info Community |
[acadia.com] | Acadia Pharmaceuticals: Elevate Life |
[cdt.amegroups.com] | Home - Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy |
[meigongyun.com] | - |
[foxg1research.org] | FOXG1 Research Foundation |
[onfihcp.com] | ONFI (clobazam) CIV | For Healthcare Professionals |
[invisibleandonstage.podcasts.library.columbia.edu] | Invisible and On Stage |
[trendconsortium.nl] | Welkom bij TREND - Innovatie in Technologische Oplossingen |