Extinct Mammals
Definition of Extinct Mammals as it relates to Animals, Fossil Animals, Animal Skeletons, Mammalian Skeletons, Fossil Mammals
Extinct Mammals: This category pertains to mammalian species that no longer exist and whose remains can be found as fossils. As an integral part of Fossil Mammals, it focuses on the skeletal structures of these long-gone creatures, providing insights into their evolutionary history and adaptations. The study of Extinct Mammals offers a glimpse into Earth's past ecosystems and sheds light on the natural processes that led to the extinction of certain species. This subcategory is nested within Mammalian Skeletons, Animal Skeletons, Fossil Animals, and ultimately, Animals, reflecting its position in the grand hierarchy of life.
External Links |
[Ivorybill.com] | The Ivory Bill - Extinct, Endangered and Thriving Wildlife |
[Colossal.com] | Solving the Colossal Problem of Extinction | Colossal |
[dinosaursnews.com] | Dinosaur News - news about dinosaurs, prehistoric and extinct animals, fossils and paleontology |
[Extinct.net] | Extinct.net |
[Xenarthrans.org] | IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Specialist Group | Here we share information on xenarthrans and the IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Specialist Group with all those who care about the lives and fate of these ancient mammals. |
[dinosaurjungle.com] | Dinosaurs - facts, science, fun, pictures and information about dinosaurs and other extinct animals |
[cgpfund.org] | HOME | Coll Perske Memorial Fund for Marine Mammals |
[hlasek.com] | Wildlife Photo Gallery Birds Mammals Plants - Hlasek |
[RightWhales.org] | Saving North Atlantic right whales from extinction | IFAW |
[extinctionsymbol.info] | Extinction Symbol |
[Insectivora.org] | the HEDGE lab – Holocene ecology, diversity, and global extinctions // PI Alexis Mychajliw |
[extinctionclock.org] | The Extinction Clock |
[mammal.org.uk] | |
[Pangolins.org] | PANGOLINS - ... wonderful pangolins. |
[lynxeds.com] | LYNX Nature Books - Lynx Nature Books |
[mariobuildreps.com] | Orientations of Pyramids and Temples Correlates With Ice Ages |
[iucnredlist.org] | IUCN Red List of Threatened Species |
[news.ufl.edu] | News | University of Florida |
[Paleogenetics.com] | Paleogenetics |
[a-z-animals.com] | Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! - A-Z Animals |
[wildnet.org] | Wildlife Conservation Network - Be a Wildlife Hero |
[Chias.org] | Nature Museum | Collections Archives |
[data-blog.gbif.org] | GBIF Data Blog |
[rflr.org] | rflr.org - Home |
[Mammalogy.org] | Homepage | American Society of Mammalogists |
[Aviary.org] | Home | National Aviary |
[WildlifeResearch.com] | Wildlife Research |
[mmsc.org] | Marine Mammal Stranding Center |
[birdingecotours.com] | Birding Tours Worldwide - Home - Birding Ecotours |
[dpvh.net] | Deer Park Veterinary Hospital : Top Rated Cincinnati Veterinarians |
[karlshuker.blogspot.com] | ShukerNature |
[pltm.us] | The Traveling Morgans - Our journey to see the natural scenic wonders of the 48 contiguous United States of America |
[Objectiveness.com] | Objectiveness |
[ReptileEvolution.com] | Reptile Evolution |
[drmomma.org] | peaceful parenting |
[h3pk.com] | 168|168|! - AZ Animals |
[Futurology.com] | Nick Bostroms Home Page |
[owcnblog.wordpress.com] | Oiled Wildlife Care Network | Providing the best achievable capture and care of oil-affected wildlife |
[nmfs.noaa.gov] | Welcome to NOAA | NOAA Fisheries |
[whalealert.org] | Whale Alert |
[eymi.net] | Expanding Youth Ministries Int'l (EYMI) |
[AfricanLions.org] | africanlions.org | Studying the impacts human activity have on the energetics of African lions |
[nhbs.com] | NHBS - Wildlife, Ecology Conservation |
[Cosine.org] | Cosine Jeremiah and his Musings | Life and Ruby and Security |
[oldbarninc.com] | Taxidermy Tannery Old Barn Taxidermy Tannery |
[OceanConservation.org] | Ocean Conservation Society: Help Protect Our Oceans Today |
[vetark.co.uk] | Vetark professional nutritional supplements |
[bewhalewise.org] | Home - Be Whale Wise |
[Ornithology.com] | Ornithology - The Science of Birds | News | Research |
[arctic-news.blogspot.com] | Arctic News |
[aejo.net] | Online Portfolio | Digital humanities issues, tools, and resources |
[Yiddish.net] | Yiddish - Wikipedia |
[AmphibianRescue.org] | Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project | A project to save Panama's incredible frogs and salamanders |
[livepterosaur.wordpress.com] | Live Pterosaur | Reports of living pterosaurs |
[microdevices.jpl.nasa.gov] | Microdevices Laboratory |
[iws.org] | Institute for Wildlife Studies |
[mongabay.com] | Mongabay - Conservation News |
[jbzoo.org] | Visit John Ball Zoo | Grand Rapids, MI | Award-Winning Zoological Society |
[ecori.org] | ecoRI News | Environmental News for Rhode Island |
[anaw.org] | Home |
[palaeovertebrata.com] | Palaeo Vertebrata - Journal Home |
[mdpi.net] | MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals |
[travel6.org] | Travel destinations around the World, www.travel6.org, Travel 6 continents, guid |
[wildmadagascar.org] | Madagascar: stunning wildlife, landscapes, and cultural diversity |
[depg.org] | The Diesel and Electric Preservation Group | Preserving Heritage Diesel Locomotives since 1973. |
[zoonewengland.org] | Zoo New England | Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo |
[sustainability-times.com] | Sustainability Times |
[detroitzooblog.org] | Detroit Zoological Society Blog | Celebrating and Saving Wildlife and Wild Places |
[naub.org] | National Association of United Baptists of America |
[game-reserve.com] | African National Parks & Reserves - Safari & Wildlife Guide. |
[ScrollSawing.com] | Wildwood Designs Cherry Tree Toys |
[shsu.net] | Sam Houston State University - Huntsville, TX |
[sfnhs.com] | SF Natural History Series | A lecture series exploring nature in the San Francisco Bay Area |
[palmyracove.org] | Palmyra Cove/Institute for Earth Observations – nature park STEM institute |
[africatoursandholiday.com] | Africa Tours and Holidays – Safaris in Kenya |
[blog.education.nationalgeographic.org] | National Geographic Education Blog – Bring the spirit of exploration to your classroom |
[iflscience.com] | The Lighter Side of Science | IFLScience |
[st.nmfs.noaa.gov] | Office of Science and Technology | NOAA Fisheries |