Clinical Laboratories

Definition of Clinical Laboratories as it relates to Science, Medicine, Hematology

Clinical Laboratories involve rigorous testing and analysis of various biological specimens to aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. They are an integral part of Hematology, contributing significantly to the understanding of blood disorders and their implications for overall health. By employing cutting-edge technology and methodologies, these laboratories facilitate accurate assessments of patients' hematological conditions and guide medical practitioners in devising effective therapeutic strategies. In this context, Clinical Laboratories serve as a critical junction where the principles of Science and Medicine converge to promote optimal healthcare delivery.


External Links

Quality Controls for Clinical and Toxicology Laboratories | UTAK
SeraCare | Quality Control Tools for Clinical Laboratories Assay Development
Baylor Genetics | Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory
ILDP - Independent Clinical Reference Laboratory - Cincinnati
4DQC, LLC – Quality Approaches for the Clinical Laboratory
Eden Software Solutions | Clinical Laboratory Software Integration
Marshfield Labs, Clinical, Reference, Veterinary and Research Laboratory
Rising Tide Reference Laboratory | Clinical Laboratory Services
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute: CLSI Guidelines
The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
EADO - European Association of Dermato-Oncology A non-profit organization dedicated to promote, coordinate and improve clinical and laboratory research in skin cancer.