Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics, as it relates to Lattice Theory within Mathematics and Science, focuses on mathematical structures and concepts that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous in nature. This field encompasses areas such as combinatorics, graph theory, number theory, and logic, all of which inform the study of lattice theory by providing a foundation for understanding the relationships between discrete objects. The concepts developed within Discrete Mathematics have wide-ranging applications in computer science, information theory, and other fields where discrete structures play a central role. Overall, Discrete Mathematics provides a critical framework for exploring the properties and behaviors of discrete systems within Lattice Theory and beyond.
External Links |
[micromath.wordpress.com] | Mathematics under the Microscope | Atomic objects, structures and concepts of mathematics |
[tahq.org] | abMathematics – Dr. McDonald's Mathematics Course Blog |
[maths.cam.ac.uk] | Welcome to Mathematics in Cambridge | Faculty of Mathematics |
[math.cornell.edu] | Department of Mathematics | Department of Mathematics |
[wiml.us] | Westchester Interscholastic Mathematics League (WIML) – High School Mathematics Competition |
[4syn.com] | Online Mathematics Courses – Online Mathematics Courses by Professionals |
[gbml.net] | Greater Boston Mathematics League (GBML) – High School Mathematics Competition |
[mathematicsteachersnetwork.com] | Mathematics Teachers Network is the premier job board dedicated to connecting employers with math professionals. Mathematics Teachers Network |
[MathematicsLearning.org] | Mathematics Learning | Mathematics Learning |
[ojmp.org] | Open Journal of Mathematics and Physics – Publishing Scientific White Papers |
[momath.org] | National Museum of Mathematics |
[mpe.dimacs.rutgers.edu] | Mathematics of Planet Earth |
[mathematics.uni-bonn.de] | Welcome Bonn Mathematics |
[nctm.org] | Index - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[mathforum.org] | Classroom Resources - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[en.shuli.ustb.edu.cn] | School of Mathematics and Physics of University of Science a |
[math.harvard.edu] | Harvard University Mathematics Department Cambridge MA |
[ejmse.com] | European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education |
[mis.mpg.de] | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences: MPI MIS |
[calculationnation.nctm.org] | Calculation Nation - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[gctm.org] | The Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. - Home |
[Imaginary.org] | IMAGINARY | open mathematics |
[math.uwaterloo.ca] | A powerhouse of discovery and innovation | Mathematics | University of Waterloo |
[math.uiuc.edu] | Home | Department of Mathematics | Illinois |
[gowers.wordpress.com] | Gowers's Weblog | Mathematics related discussions |
[math.ucsb.edu] | Department of Mathematics - UC Santa Barbara |
[morganhillmath.org] | American Inst. of Mathematics |
[heidelberg-laureate-forum.org] | Laureates of mathematics and computer science meet the next generation - Heidelberg Laureate Forum |
[mctm.org] | Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Home |
[math.kth.se] | Department of Mathematics | KTH |
[pctm.org] | Home 2024 - Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[math.dartmouth.edu] | Mathematics at Dartmouth |
[mathedleadership.org] | Welcome - NCSM Leadership in Mathematics Education |
[cptm.us] | Center for Proficiency in Teaching Mathematics |
[math.columbia.edu] | Department of Mathematics at Columbia University - Welcome |
[colleenyoung.org] | Mathematics, Learning and Technology |
[m4dl.com] | Mathematics for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence |
[math.mcmaster.ca] | Home - Mathematics Statistics - Faculty of Science - McMaster University |
[math.berkeley.edu] | Home | Department of Mathematics |
[math.unl.edu] | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences |
[wsmc.net] | Washington State Mathematics Council |
[math.ethz.ch] | Homepage Department of Mathematics | ETH Zurich |
[paemst.org] | Home Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching |
[damtp.cam.ac.uk] | DAMTP | Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
[maths.tcd.ie] | School of Mathematics - Trinity College Dublin |
[math.psu.edu] | Department of Mathematics | Eberly College of Science |
[simonsfoundation.org] | Advancing Research in Basic Science and Mathematics | Simons Foundation |
[bshm.ac.uk] | The British Society for the History of Mathematics | |
[slkoric.com] | SLKOR: Semiconductor discrete components manufacturer |
[nfft.org] | Home | NFFT | Applied Functional Analysis | Faculty of Mathematics | TU Chemnitz |
[mathoa.org] | MathOA – Converting mathematics journals to open access |
[SetTheory.net] | Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics |
[octm.org] | Oregon Council Teachers of Mathematics - Home |
[csme.ucsd.edu] | Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering (CSME) |
[math.ucsd.edu] | Department of Mathematics, UC San Diego |
[math.mit.edu] | MIT Mathematics |
[math.wisc.edu] | Department of Mathematics – University of Wisconsin – Madison – UWMadison |
[singularcontiguity.wordpress.com] | A Singular Contiguity | Excursions in mathematics and theoretical linguistics |
[math.sissa.it] | Home | Mathematics Area - SISSA |
[utmost.aimath.org] | UTMOST | Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks |
[scgssm.org] | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics |
[ojs.zefr.org] | Intelligence Planet Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications |
[mfoa.org] | Mathematics Foundation of America |
[Diodes.com] | Diodes Incorporated - Analog and Discrete Power Solutions |
[math.washington.edu] | Home | Department of Mathematics | University of Washington |
[summermathprograms.org] | Summer Mathematics Programs Consortium |
[mctmmathbits.org] | MathBits – Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[gssi.it] | International PhD school and a center for advanced studies in physics, mathematics, computer science and social sciences. |
[gjom.org] | Gulf Journal of Mathematics |
[appliedmath2.math.ucdavis.edu] | Home :: UC Davis Applied Mathematics |
[history-of-mathematics.org] | History of Mathematics Project | Home |
[iam.ubc.ca] | Homepage - Institute of Applied Mathematics |
[Quantiles.com] | The Quantile Framework for Mathematics - Quantile |
[mathjob.com] | MathJob.com focuses on helping mathematics professionals find their next career at a business or institution. |
[math.andrej.com] | Mathematics and Computation | Latest posts |
[Acmes.org] | Computational Discovery in Mathematics: ACMES 2 |
[sixthform.info] | Sixth Form Mathematics Law |
[cmi.caltech.edu] | CMI: Center for the Mathematics of Information, Caltech |
[twjm.org] | Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics |
[flfams.com] | Florida Association of Mathematics Supervisors, Inc. - Home |
[lics.rwth-aachen.de] | RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Computer Science 7 (Logic and Theory of Discrete Systems) - English |
[fctm.net] | Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
[math.ucdavis.edu] | Mathematics Home :: math.ucdavis.edu |
[genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu] | Welcome! - The Mathematics Genealogy Project |
[AdvancedMathematics.net] | Advanced Mathematics |
[Disheveled.com] | Disheveled – Mathematics Tutoring |
[cut-the-knot.org] |
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles |
[my.cpm.org] | CPM Learning Platform for Mathematics |
[mssm.org] | Home - Maine School of Science and Mathematics |
[ipmu.jp] | Kavli IPMU- | Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe |
[scienceteachersnetwork.com] | Science Teachers Network is a modern job board specifically helping schools reach biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics instructors of all educational levels. Science Teachers Network |
[dnsw.us] | Dennis Wu - Vancouver, MSc E-commerce and Internet Computing, BSc Computer Science, BSc Applied Mathematics and Statistics | about.me |
[5687.net] | The Hidden Significance of 5687: A Journey Through History, Mathematics, and Culture |
[omnetpp.org] | OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator |
[Derivations.org] | Derivations of Applied Mathematics |