Habitat Preservation
Definition of Habitat Preservation as it relates to Environment
Habitat Preservation refers to the protection and conservation of natural environments, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance by safeguarding the living spaces of various plant and animal species. It encompasses efforts to maintain or restore habitats in their original state, preventing human activities that could negatively impact these ecosystems. This category emphasizes the importance of preserving diverse habitats such as forests, wetlands, deserts, coastal zones, and coral reefs, which contribute significantly to global ecological stability and provide essential resources for human well-being.
Child Hierarchical Categories
External Links |
[HistoricPreservation.org] | Preservation Leadership Forum | National Trust for Historic Preservation |
[gbpa.org] | Visit Gettysburg - Education Preservation | Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association |
[californiapreservation.org] | California Preservation Foundation | California Preservation Foundation |
[HistoricPreservation.com] | HistoricPreservation: Historic Preservation Product Service Guide |
[Loon.org] | Loon Preservation Committee – Loon Preservation in New Hampshire |
[softwarepreservation.org] | Software Preservation Group Software Preservation Group |
[cdc-habitat.fr] | CDC Habitat : trouver un logement adapt chaque situation - CDC Habitat |
[habitatmag.com] | Habitat Magazine | Serving Residential Condominium Associations, Co-op Boards, Property Managers | New York City | Habitat Magazine, New York's Co-op and Condo Community |
[dromeamenagementhabitat.fr] | Drme Amnagement Habitat - Drme Amnagement Habitat |
[wvnewdealtrail.com] | West Virginia Historic New Deal Trail | A partnership between the WV State Historic Preservation Office and the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia |
[wvhistorictheaters.com] | West Virginia Historic Theatre Trail | A partnership between the WV State Historic Preservation Office and the Preservation Alliance of WV |
[habitatgreatersac.org] | HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER SACRAMENTO | Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento |
[ahpc.org] | Affordable Housing Preservation Corp | AHPC – Affordable Housing Preservation Corp |
[sonomaopenspace.org] | Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation Open Space DistrictSonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District |
[habitat.ca] | Home | Habitat for Humanity Canada |
[hfhi.org] | Habitat for Humanity |
[habitat.sh] | Chef Habitat Developer Community | Chef Community |
[tchabitat.org] | Home | Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity |
[grha.org] | Wetlands Waterfowl Conservation in the Confluence Flood Plain Great Rivers Habitat Alliance |
[llpr.org] | Limb Loss Preservation Registry |
[preservationdallas.org] | Preservation Dallas | Dedicated to Historic Places |
[scwaterfowlassociation.wordpress.com] | South Carolina Waterfowl Association – …exists to enhance and perpetuate South Carolina's wildlife heritage through education and waterfowl habitat conservation. |
[world-habitat.org] | World Habitat - Promoting Innovative Housing Policy and Practice |
[lchp.org] | Leelanau County Historical Preservation Society - Home - |
[habitatpasco.org] | Home : Habitat for Humanity of East Central Pasco County |
[pawv.org] | PAWV - Historic Preservation in our Mountain State |
[mhhc.mb.ca] | Home - The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation |
[lesconstructeursamenageurs.com] | Ple Habitat FFB Amnageurs, constructeurs, promoteurs, rnovateurs |
[vivalyx.com] | Vivalyx – Dedicated to improving organ preservation |
[phjv.ca] | Prairie Habitat Joint Venture |
[bfc-promotion-habitat.fr] | Immobilier neuf en Bourgogne et Franche-Comt - BFC Promotion Habitat |
[prespartners.org] | National Preservation Partners Network |
[habitatla.org] | Habitat For Humanity Los Angeles - Low Income Housing Services |
[lthp.org] | Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation |
[DigitalPreservation.gov] | Digital Preservation (Library of Congress) |
[cuhabitat.org] | Habitat For Humanity of Champaign County |
[savingplaces.org] | @SavingPlaces | National Trust for Historic Preservation |
[bahfh.org] | Empowering Through Shelter Bay Area Habitat for Humanity |
[georgiatrust.org] | The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation | The Georgia Trust |
[amps-armor.org] | Home - Armor Modeling & Preservation Society |
[guampreservationtrust.org] | Guam Preservation Trust |
[nhpt.org] | The New Haven Preservation Trust |
[preservationabc.org] | Home - Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County |
[historiccharleston.org] | Historic Charleston Foundation | Preservation Advocacy in Charleston, SC |
[habitatmahoning.org] | Homeownership, Community, Volunteer | Habitat for Humanity of MV |
[datacomit.com.au] | DatacomIT - Leaders in Digitisation and Digital Preservation |
[nbgi.org] | National Bobwhite Grassland Initiative – NBCI mission: A partnership to restore and maintain wild bobwhite quail, associated species, and their native habitats through science-based research and management to support healthy wildlife, soil, air, and water for the benefit of society. |
[ppfv.org] | Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley |
[ptlp.com] | Home - Preservation Technologies |
[lrpi.us] | Loxahatchee River Preservation Initiative |
[ptpg.org] | Panavia Tornado Preservation Group – Preserving Tornado |
[gdhabitat.fr] | GDH - Grand Dole Habitat |
[EarthPreservation.org] | Earth Preservation Fund Campaign - Journeys International |
[hw2.org] | Hound and Wildlife Habitat and Welfare Fund |
[otpa.org] | Old Towne Preservation Association - Home |
[70ps.com] | Home | The 70's Preservation Society |
[crafco.com] | CRAFCO – Pavement Preservation Materials and Equipment |
[habitatstl.org] | Habitat for Humanity - St. Louis |
[fpmt.net] | Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition – Home - FPMT |
[filmpreservation.org] | National Film Preservation Foundation: Home |
[efgamp.eu] | EFGAMP – The official website of the European Federation of Game Archives, Museum and Preservation Projects |
[gbpt.org] | Glasgow Building Preservation Trust - Home |
[pasdecalais-habitat.fr] | Pas-de-Calais habitat - Accueil |
[dhpt.org] | Home - Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust |
[npi.org] | National Preservation Institute |
[yhf.org] | Ypsilanti Heritage Foundation – Encouraging preservation and renovation of the wealth of historic architecture in Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA |
[sonoranjv.org] | Sonoran Joint Venture - Conserving birds and their habitats |
[habitat.dev] | A Nomad's Habitat |
[parks.ny.gov] | New York State Parks, Recreation Historic Preservation |
[rcopfund.org] | RCOP Fund | The Historical Preservation and Education Fund of The Racquet Club of Philadelphia |
[ptn.org] | Preservation Trades Network - Home |
[habitatrockland.org] | Habitat for Humanity of Rockland County |
[mwpt.org] | Mount Washington Preservation Trust |
[HabitatProtection.net] | Pest Control Services | Exterminator Near Me | Habitat Protection |
[tjp.us] | Studio TJP | Architects Modern Preservation | Pacific Northwest | Seattle |
[ridgeroute.org] | Ridge Route Preservation Organization |
[expohabitatoutaouais.com] | Salon Expo Habitat |
[holbrookasphalt.com] | Holbrook Asphalt | Pavement Preservation |
[Thickets.com] | Home - Thickets - Habitat Builders and Forestry Mulchers |
[klug-conservation.com] | Preserving values, Preservation of cultural artefacts - - KLUG-CONSERVATION |
[21cm.com] | 21st Century Medicine --Expanding the Boundaries of Preservation Science |
[newdeallegacy.org] | National New Deal Preservation Association NNDPA |
[clockss.org] | Home - Digital Preservation Services - CLOCKSS |
[vaps.org] | Home | Videogame & Arcade Preservation Society |
[tristatesrailway.org] | Tri-States Railway Preservation Society |
[designwithpanda.com] | Developing your Digital Habitat |
[bayoupreservation.org] | Home | Bayou Preservation |
[dpoe.network] | Digital Preservation Outreach Education Network |
[dm8.com] | Family Preservation Foundation, Inc. |
[habitatstores.org] | Habitat for Humanity Restore | Naples, Florida |
[depg.org] | The Diesel and Electric Preservation Group | Preserving Heritage Diesel Locomotives since 1973. |
[y2y.net] | Establishing Wildlife Corridors Habitat Protections in US CA | Y2Y |
[whep.org] | National Wildlife Habitat Education Program |