Godwit Birds

Godwits are a group of large, long-legged shorebirds in the family Scolopacidae. They are known for their long, upturned bills, which they use to probe in the mud for food. Godwits are migratory birds, traveling long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds. They are found in a variety of wetland habitats, including mudflats, marshes, and coastal estuaries. There are several species of godwits, including the black-tailed godwit, bar-tailed godwit, and Hudsonian godwit. These birds are known for their impressive migration feats, with some individuals flying thousands of miles non-stop.

External Links

Oiva Toikka Birds by iittala | Finnish Glass Birds GlassBirds.com
Angry Birds Games - Free Angry Birds Games Online at AngryBirdsGames.com!
Bluebirds Across Nebraska – Our mission is to increase the population of bluebirds and other native cavity-nesting birds through the promotion of bluebird awareness among concerned citizens.
Angry Birds Walkthrough Videos, Golden Eggs, and more | AngryBirdsNest
Discover and Learn about Birds - Birds.com
Welcome to Birds in Backyards | BIRDS in BACKYARDS
Garden Birds - Attracting and enjoying birds in your backyard garden
Project Godwit Securing the future of black-tailed godwits in the UK
Pet Birds Parrots - Care, Behavior, Food and Pet Bird Facts – Pet Birds by Lafeber Co.
Island Birds | Conserving birds on islands
Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables | Birds Eye
Ornithology - The Science of Birds | News | Research
Birds Georgia - Home
Congress of the Birds
Migratory Birds | U.S. Fish Wildlife Service
Birds of the World - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Stifel Birds of Prey | North Americas Downhill
Protect insects, protect birds #WMBD2024 | World Migratory Bird Day
Wild Birds Unlimited - Nature Shop
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Birds and Blooms - Americas #1 Backyard Birding and Gardening Magazine
Charleston Dirty Birds Baseball
Sonoran Joint Venture - Conserving birds and their habitats
They Birds | Nonagon
Discover the Fascinating World of Cardinal Birds
Neotropical Birding and Conservation – Conserving the birds of the Middle South America and the the Caribbean
Avian Species The World of Birds
Raptor Inventory Nest Survey – The Raptor Inventory Nest Survey is a non-profit organization concerned with birds of prey in Utah…
Home - Birds New Zealand
The Dodo Bird | History, Story and Resources for Dodobirds
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Tracy Aviary - Salt Lake City's Home For Birds Nature
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Ohio Valley Early Birds -- Classic Thunderbird Club Index
Home | Wild Birds Unlimited
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Birds Solicitors
ORIOLES – Icterus galbula…those orange and black birds.
Red Legs Greaves | Pirate and His Parrots Help Birds in Need!
Birding Tours with FIELD GUIDES: a lot of birds, a lot of fun
Home page | New Zealand Birds Online
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Guylines – When you live with the birds you fly with the bats.
Reed birds – Uwalniamy wiatrewna i plastiku dziki technologii, ktra czy innj z natur
Wildlife Photo Gallery Birds Mammals Plants - Hlasek
MySheen.com_ How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Plants, horticultural birds and animals
Parmelee Taxidermy - Big Game, Mammals, Fish Birds | Parmelee Taxidermy
HOME - Wildside Nature Tours
pbslices – Guide For Pet Lovers
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Oceanographies Institute
Bird Repellent Gel and Bird Deterrent Products - Hot Foot America
Rocky Point Bird Observatory
National Audubon Society
American Bird Conservancy: Bird Conservation Results Across the Americas
Brooks Bird Club - Home
Homepage- Greg Dorrance Co. - Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers
Three Rivers Birding Club of Southwestern Pennsylvania
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UK's Top Wildlife Sounds - Home | WildSounds
Forvie National Nature Reserve | Sharing the stories of Forvie National Nature Reserve
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Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! - A-Z Animals
Audubon Florida
LYNX Nature Books - Lynx Nature Books
Chicago Bird Alliance
NPIP | Animal Health
Communalism World Media * News for all
Atlantic League Pro Baseball – ALPB
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Raleigh Wide Open 2025
Oiled Wildlife Care Network | Providing the best achievable capture and care of oil-affected wildlife
Sonic Nets
Fran in Fenland | A topnotch WordPress.com site

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