Disaster MedicineInfectious Diseases
Disaster MedicineInfectious Diseases involves the study and management of infectious diseases that arise or spread rapidly during disasters or emergency situations. This field focuses on preventing, controlling, and treating infectious diseases such as Ebola, Zika virus, influenza, and others that can have a significant impact on public health during times of crisis. It includes strategies for surveillance, containment, vaccination, and providing medical care to those affected by infectious diseases in emergency settings.
External Links |
[disasterrecovery101.com] | Disaster Recovery 101, Everything DR and disaster recovery, Business Continuity, DR testing, Disaster Recovery jobs, news Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery news, info, resources, Disaster Recovery software Disaster Recovery 101 |
[disaster-response.mafint.org] | Disaster Response | MAF Disaster Response |
[adrn.org] | Austin Disaster Relief Network – Together in disaster And every day after |
[d911.org] | Disaster Mobile App | D911 Disaster Response Mobile App |
[rarediseasesinternational.org] | Rare Diseases International Rare Diseases International |
[nmbdrbcnm.org] | New Mexico Baptist Disaster Relief | Disaster Relief |
[iclr.org] | ICLR – The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is a world-class centre for multidisciplinary disaster prevention research and communication. ICLR is an independent, not-for-profit research institute founded by the insurance industry and affiliated with Western University, London, Ontario. The Institutes mission is to reduce the loss of life and property caused by severe weather and earthquakes through the identification and support of sustained actions that improve societys capacity to adapt to, anticipate, mitigate, withstand and recover from natural disasters. |
[vibrantdbhcon.org] | Vibrant Disaster Behavioral Health Conference | We the Resilient:A Conference on Disaster Behavioral Health and Building aTrulyResilient Community |
[ndsd.net] | Northwest Disaster Search Dogs – Providing highly skilled search dog teams to respond to natural and man-made disasters. |
[disaster.lk] | Disaster risk management and recovery - Disaster Services |
[disastersafety.org] | DISASTERSAFETY.ORG – Prepare for Natural Disasters |
[lrff.org] | Disaster Restoration Photos GTA Restoration Location Near You |
[DisasterPreparedness.org] | Disaster Preparedness |
[svdpdisaster.org] | Disaster Services Corporation Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA | |
[rarediseasesnetwork.org] | Home | Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network |
[InfectiousDiseases.com] | North Texas Infectious Diseases Consultants | Infectious Disease Doctors Dallas, TX |
[DisasterReliefBenefits.com] | DisasterReliefBenefits.com |
[disasterrecovery.iowa.gov] | Iowa Disaster Recovery | Iowa.gov |
[pids.org] | Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society |
[niaid.nih.gov] | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) |
[tidalbasingroup.com] | Tidal Basin Group - Emergency Disaster Program Management |
[calludk.com] | Utah Disaster Recovery Cleanup | UDK |
[ncdisaster.ces.ncsu.edu] | NC Disaster Information Center | NC State Extension |
[isid.org] | The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) - ISID |
[vmat.org] | Disaster preparedness | American Veterinary Medical Association |
[lmgc.com] | LMGC Disaster Services |
[niams.nih.gov] | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) |
[rdpo.org] | Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization |
[blocksusa.org] | Disaster Preparedness Certification - Earthquake Safety Training |
[ubdr.com] | UltraBac Backup and Disaster Recovery Software |
[dkbf.com] | Water Damage Disaster Restoration Services | Better Restorations |
[iddk.com] | Disaster Kleenup and Restoration Company in Draper, Utah |
[evac.org] | EVAC: the Emergency Volunteer Air Corps - organizing aviation disaster relief volunteers |
[disasteraideurope.com] | Disaster Aid Europe |
[ddrg.org] | Digital Disaster Response Group |
[gdacs.org] | GDACS - Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System |
[samaritanspurse.org] | Samaritan’s Purse International Disaster Relief International Relief |
[gndr.org] | GNDR - Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction |
[check-eye.com] | Retinopathy Prevention. Early Detection of Chronic Diseases |
[sobi.com] | Sobi - Transforming the lives of people with rare diseases |
[odmt.org] | Oregon Disaster Medical Team |
[drj.com] | Disaster Recovery Journal |
[covid19relief.sba.gov] | COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan | U.S. Small Business Administration |
[ordindia.in] | ORD India – Organization for Rare Diseases India |
[drln.org] | DRLN | Disaster Resilience Learning Network |
[floridadisaster.org] | Home | Florida Disaster |
[niddk.nih.gov] | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) |
[okdisasterhelp.org] | Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief |
[cabalettabio.com] | Targeted Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases :: Cabaletta Bio, Inc. (CABA) |
[k4dm.net] | K4DM: Knowledge for Disaster Management |
[modr.org] | Home - Disaster Relief |
[genethon.com] | Gnthon - Advancing gene therapy treatments for rare diseases |
[esdeesophagus.org] | Home - The European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus |
[esnj.com] | Commercial Disaster Response |
[jvat.org] | Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases |
[gero.ai] | GERO.AI Hacking complex diseases and aging |
[mlu.com] | MLU Services Workforce Base Camp Disaster Response |
[ultragenyx.com] | UltragenyxTreatment of Rare and Ultrarare Genetic Diseases |
[ijid.org] | Journal Home:: International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy:: Science Publishing Group |
[disasterassistance.gov] | Home | disasterassistance.gov |
[ForestPathology.org] | Forest Pathology | Diseases of forest and shade trees |
[mds.mennonite.net] | Home | Mennonite Disaster Service - Respond. Rebuild. Restore. |
[relieftents.com] | Disaster Relief Tents By Shelter Systems - Haiti Relief Tents |
[pcvd.net] | Home | Control of Porcine Circovirus Diseases |
[hopkinslymetracker.org] | Home | Johns Hopkins Lyme and Tickborne Diseases Dashboard |
[disasterinsuranceclaims.com] | Property Damage Lawyers | Disaster Insurance Claims |
[disaster.salvationarmyusa.org] | The Emergency Disaster Services The Salvation Army |
[nationaldisasterresilienceconference.org] | Home - National Disaster Resilience Conference |
[vidrl.org.au] | Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory |
[mkwt.org] | Mashood Kalyanvi Welfare Trust | MKWT | Karachi | Pakistan – At MKWT, we believe in the transformative power of compassion and community. Founded in 2020 by Shaykh Mashood ul Haq Kalyanvi, the son of the revered Hazrat Maulana Ahtesham ul Haq Kalyanvi R.A., our trust is dedicated to serving humanity with a focus on social welfare, family support, national disaster response, and religious harmony. |
[sareptatherapeutics.co.uk] | Sarepta Therapeutics | Biopharmaceutical Company for Rare Diseases |
[cahfdisasterprep.com] | CAHF Disaster Preparedness Program | Sacramento, CA |
[houstoncenterforinfectiousdiseases.com] | Houston Center for Infectious Diseases |
[ellipse-global.com] | Ellipse Global Emergency Mobile Disaster Response Services |
[eurogastro.healthconferences.org] | Gastroenterology Conference | Clinical Advances in Liver Diseases congress| Gastrointestinal Pharmacotherapy Events | Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Meetings | Gastrointestinal Pathology Symposiums | Neuro Gastroenterology Conference | Upcoming Hepatology Workshops | CPD Conference | World Wide Events | France | Europe | USA | Asia Pacific | Middle East | Conference Series LLC Ltd | |
[shelterbox.org] | ShelterBox Emergency Disaster Relief |
[skincoalition.org] | Home | Coalition of Skin Diseases |
[disasterfilm.fandom.com] | Disaster Film Wiki | Fandom |
[indflorida.org] | IND Florida Institute Neurodegenerative Diseases Isaacson |
[ddtd.org] | Drugs Diagnostics for Tropical Diseases |
[unitrends.com] | Unitrends | Unified Backup Disaster Recovery You Can Rely On |
[7gr.net] | 7th Generation Recovery – Tunica Biloxi- Disaster Recovery |
[RedCross.us] | American Red Cross | Help Those Affected by Disasters |
[ttw.net] | Calgary Disaster Recovery Network Security by SoloCompute |
[nfid.org] | National Foundation for Infectious Diseases - Healthier Lives for All Through Effective Prevention and Treatment |
[4drr.com] | 4DRR.com – Reducing disaster risk, increasing resilience, and ensuring the continuity of your business and community. |
[end7.org] | Help @end_7 end 7 diseases and lessen suffering for over a billion kids in the developing world. |